We set up and encourage a network of community nurseries:
Impulso Verde and the community nursery associations make up the “Red de Viveros Impulso Verde”, which is dedicated to the production of native trees.
We support the network with:
- nursery construction
- material delivery
- technical training and organizational support
- connectivity package
- tree financing
- bimonthly financial assistance for the supervision of planting, geolocation of trees and monitoring for 3 years
Capacity of
annual production of
the nurseries network
native trees
native species
We are a network that interacts through collaboration, training and exchange of experiences.
We have developed a training plan for each nursery with:
- 19 technical modules
- organization and governance
The objective of the Network is:
- improve the management of native forest germplasm to recover species,
- promote its use in reforestation or restoration programs, research institutes, forestry and agroforestry producers, ranchers, landscapers, communities and urban areas.
Community nurseries
Impulso Verde works with 15 community partner associations:
- Asociación Agroecológica indígena Pumamaki ׀ Municipality of Guachucal
- Asociación Agroecológica indígena Sinchimaki ׀ Municipality of Cumbal
- Asociación Agroforestal de Mujeres Aldanenses ׀ Municipality of Aldana
- Asociación Agroecológica Manantial de Vida ׀ Municipality of Potosí
- Asociación indígena de la Mujer Emprendedora ׀ Municipality of Cumbal ׀ Vereda La Boyera
- Fundación Tejiendo Caminos hacia el Buenvivir ׀ Municipality of Yascual
- Asociación Chiltazol ׀ Municipality of Sapuyes
- Asociación El Chalguar ׀ Municipality of Pupiales
- Asociación Ecoturagro ׀ Municipality of Pasto ׀ Vereda El Jurado
- Asociación Tulpas Ambientales ׀ Municipality of Cordoba
- Asociación Las Iglesias ׀ Municipality of Pasto ׀ Corregimiento Santa Barbara
- Asociación La Tulpa ׀ Municipality of Consaca
- Asociación Agropecuaria Emprendimiento Mutualista de Ancuya ׀ Municipality of Ancuya
- Fundación indígena Yakupacha ׀ Municipality of Puerres
- Asociación Agroforesteria Sostenible Progresar SC ׀ Municipality of Buesaco