Presentation of the site
Users of the site www.impulsoverde.org are informed of the identity of the persons involved in the editing and publication of the information presented on the site:
Fundación Impulso Verde Kuaspue
Avenida 5B Norte 50N 05
Cali, Colombia
Creator: Jean-Gabriel Noze – Smart ID.fr
Responsible for publication:
Impulso Verde – contacto@impulsoverde.org
The person responsible for the publication is a legal entity.
Lodging: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France
Personal Data Authorization:
At the time of signing the word “I accept” it is explicitly understood that as owner of the information and in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and other rules that modify, add and/or complement it, I irrevocably, expressly, voluntarily, prior, specific, sufficient, informed and unequivocal authorize the Fundación Impulso Verde Kuaspue, identified with the NIT 901.284. 534-8 and domiciled in the city of Santiago de Cali Valle del Cauca, or whoever represents their rights, in order that the personal and commercial information of which I am the owner is generally managed and in particular: captured, treated, processed, consulted, supplied, confirmed, verified, operated, exchanged, deleted, modified, retained, used or circulated and consulted by third parties expressly authorized by law.
Likewise, through this authorization, I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the personal data protection policy of Fundación Impulso Verde Kuaspue sent by them through their talks and that my data will be collected in a database for the above mentioned purpose and the one described in the personal data protection policy, for an indefinite period of time, counted from the acceptance of this authorization until the previously authorized purposes are exhausted.
Likewise, I have been informed that I have the possibility to access at any time to the data provided, as well as to request the correction, updating or deletion of the same and / or revoke this authorization of treatment for one, several or all authorized purposes, being able to submit queries and complaints to the Fundación Impulso Verde Kuaspue in the terms set forth in the data protection policy of Fundación Impulso Verde Kuaspue.
As a sign of acceptance of the above, I consent and authorize that my personal data be treated in accordance with the provisions of this authorization.
Intellectual Property
The entire content of this website is protected by intellectual property rights. Reproduction, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without prior authorization.
Photo credits
© Fundación Impulso Verde Kuaspue
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